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Regarding diabetes: Get a national movement going to

1. Eliminate corn syrup from processed food.

2. Negotiate across all food processors to volunarily and on the same time-table, reduce the amount of sugar(s) in their products by 4% per year over the next five years, to gradually help the population adjust to the taste, and sugar reduction. (Maybe this is a dedicated non-profit mission with an intentional sunset strategy when the mission is accomplished.)

3 Open a chain of fast food franchises that offer a healthy menu: fresh fruit and veggies, steamed veggies, chicken, pork and fish. Nothing fried. Low sodium. (Most no msg oriental restaurants come close. They just have too many and too elaborate of dishes for fast food.)

In this day and age, there are so many advances in growing food (think vertical year-round farms), and food processing, it seems incomprehensible that you cannot get a salad at McDonalds, and there is no national chain competing in this market gap.

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